Sunday, January 26, 2020

Article Critique †‘You Have Someone To Trust (2012)

Article Critique – ‘You Have Someone To Trust (2012) Jessica Bowstead Context and Policy Qualitative Research Article Critique – ‘You Have Someone To Trust’ (2012). Jessica Bowstead M2067675 Word Count-1650 Mortimer, J North, K Stead J. (2012). You Have Someone To Trust. Outstanding safeguarding practise in primary schools. Unknown (Unknown), pg1-74. The purpose of this academic piece is to critically evaluate the article ‘You Have Someone to Trust’, it will begin with examining the literature and will discuss data analysis and findings and then will conclude by synthesising evidence as to whether it is a valued piece of work. The article of choice is qualitative. Qualitative research is a term used for research strategies that are aimed at how human beings understand, experience, interpret and produce the social world (Hammersley, 2013). The main strength of qualitative research is it generates an opportunity for great depth and information on the social process (Griffin, 2007). Quantitative data, on the other hand focus’s on counting and classifying features and constructing statistics (Mangell, 2013). Mortimer utilizes the method of ethnography in her research, this largely relies on observation and interviews as an essential aspect of its methods, the researcher endeavours to become part of the research, t aking note of everything they see and hear (Saks and Allsop, 2007). Validity, reliability, and objectivity are criteria used to evaluate the quality of research. As an explanatory method, the content of qualitative research analysis differs from quantitative data, from its assumptions, research purposes, and inference processes, therefore making the criteria unsuitable for qualitative research (Bradley, 1993). Early work conducted by Lincoln and Guba (1985) suggested four measures for evaluating qualitative research: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. For the purpose of this critical review, the author has chosen the McMaster critical appraisal tool Framework (1998, online). Following a full critical evaluation and checklist, it is apparent that Mortimer’s paper is an interesting but a problematic piece of research. You Have Somebody to Trust (2012) was created with the notion that it would specify criteria for practice in relation to safeguarding children. Policy making relies heavily on the academic literature, from the research it is distinguished how severe a problem is, what actions are required and know how implement it into practice (Exblom, 2002). After school and services failed to recognise and understand former legislation, and a series of serious case reviews, a new framework ‘Practical Tips for Schools’ was created in January 2012 (Mortimer et al, 2012). Mortimer’s study helped build the new framework with her research, this was through an evidence-based approach. You have someone to trust was funded by the Children’s Commission, which was established by the Children’s Act 2004 (Mortimer et al, 2004). Due to the nature of the funding, this research could be seen as one sided. It’s the governments duty to ensure practitioners are following safeguarding procedures (GOV.UK [online]) so one might believe that the results may bias to fit their own aims. However, this has not affected the result or completion of the study. It is essential that studies are clear and coherent due to the research being built on previous research (Dawson, Dawson Overfield 2013) allowing the information to be transferred. Here Mortimer clearly discusses the purpose of study in the first section ‘Executive Summary’. It is also explicitly stated in the second section, ‘Object of the Study’ stating â€Å"The research was in order to identify best professional practice in response to child protection and safeguarding concerns in primary schools’ (Mortimer et al, 2012). Although generalizability is disregarded in qualitative studies (Ali Yusof, 2011) it is important the findings from this article are transferable. Although no two schools are the same, the general operation of a school and their approach to safeguarding should be. In qualitative research it is essential to examine the appropriate literature on the issue of the study, this provides the reader with a rational background of the study (Fink Arlene 2005). Mortimer does draw on a significant amount of literature to contextulize her research. In section four, there is a varied quantity of literature on the chosen subject, including ‘Intervening early’ cited by Eason and Gee 2012 and ‘A shared understanding of outstanding practice’ cited by Ofsted Safeguarding Schools (2011) this is predominantly valuable in that it provides evidence of the subject matter. Generally, there is a clear discussion regarding the literature which in turn strengthens her study. Mortimer has chosen to use purposive sampling, she has completed this by intentionally selecting participants who can contribute a deep understanding of the phenomenon that she is studying (Klenk, 2013). The procedure of sample selection was not highlighted in Mortimer’s report, this could increase transferability. Without this a notion of bias may be questioned due to the deficiency of information. To strengthen her report Mortimer could have stated the sex, race, age and background of the participants. Discarding this information the paper cannot be seen as a true representation of the population (Janson, 2010) which will decrease transferability. Although the sampling information is limited, one can clearly summarize that the type of sampling here is a Maximum Variation Sampling. This involves deliberately selected cases with a wide variation on dimensional interests as an effort to understand the context and created transferbility (Polit Beck, 2013). In the executive summary section it states that ‘ the sample of the school, which were visited were specifically selected to ensure a variation in size, geographical location and demographic intake’(Mortimer et al, 2012). Here Mortimer has addressed the appropriate actions and increased her confimability in relation to the school selection. There was no declaration as to whether all participants took part, allowing the reader to assume that all asked contubuted to the study. Overall, the choice of sample selected for the research purposes is suitable as it does seem to offer a generous opportunity for research into the properties of safeguarding in education. Nevertheless, due to the lack of information provided the results lack confimibility and tranferability. Mortimer does not go into any substantial detail about the process of data collection, in section five there is a vague mention of it however, only basic information is provided. It states that semi structured interviews and survey’s had taken place, but again examples are not specified. The reader was not able to critique the question’s appropiability or comment if they were clearly understood. Survey respondents misunderstand questions more often than one might expect, and the collection process mistakes are difficult to discover and correct (Conrad Schober 2005). To improve the validity of the research, Mortimer could of included member checks. Member checks involve sharing all of the findings with the participants, allowing them to question and comment on the authenticity of the work (Creswell, 2007) this would eliminate any misunderstandings. Forwarding that Mortimer could have piloted her study so she was able to recognise any gaps in her proposal method (Sampson , 2004). The researcher has a clear responsibility to ensure that they protect the right and well being of their participants irrespective of the nature of their research, there are many guidelines that reinforce these principles and many aspects are legally enforceable (Eby, 1991). Mortimer does not discuss any ethical issues that she considered, or whether ethical approval was given. Participants who are subject in a research subject must be competent, have full disclosure of the subject field, understand the process and voluntarily participate (Emanuel, Abdoler Stunkel 2006). This is not disclosed in Mortimer study, therefore the reader is required to assume that the correct ethical procedures were adopted. The data analysis of the study was satisfactory. Mortimer provided a clear breakdown of the data that she gathered. However, no coding was present, coding is an important aspect of a study, it allows studies to be repeated and validated, it makes methods transparent (Shenton, 2004). In Mortimer’s case the coding should of been finalized once the survey was completed and in the case of interviews after the data was collected (Bourque, 2004). She included several direct quotes from participants, which increase the credibility in her research. Quotations give an insight and meaning and illustrate the argument (Holloway Wheeler, 2013) facilitating the reader to understand how the findings were presented. However, it ought to be recognized that her findings are clearly presented and concluded. You have someone to trust (2012) can be seen as having an insignificant amount of credibility. Credibility can be defined as ‘The plausibility of one’s study’ (Pitney Parker 2009). This article is a recent document created in 2012, suggesting that the information if current and up to date, furthering that, credible sources have been researched through the paper such as the NSPCC Safeguarding For Children. The investigators, background and qualification are unknown, Patton 1990 believes that the credibility of the researcher is especially important as it is the person who collects the data. It is believed that this is equally as important as the procedure credibility (Alkin, Daillak White, 1979). Beyond that, triangulation is a credible strategy that Mortimer does practice. Individual interviews, focus groups and surveys are used along with supporting data from documents. Other credible strategies include member checks and a prolonged study time (Munkhjargal, 2006). However, these were not applied throughout Mortimers study. Through triangulation of data collection methods, interviewing and data analysis, Mortimer has enhanced the validity of her work. Alongside these methods of data collection Mortimer has kept her focus on the objectives of her study. Mortimer has created transferability in her research through referencing literature collected on similar topics and areas. The research intentions are indeed found as a result of the work. That being stated, the subject field was very brief and a large amount of data could have been supplied to enhance the validity of the article. Without these any reader may believe that she has become too subjective in her decisions to understand her participants, reducing confimability in her work. Nevertheless, one can expect to ensure comparable results in similar settings from this study, making it clear that the researcher was dependable. On a whole it is clear that the research was valuable, ‘Practical Tips For Schools’ was created and the objective of the study achieved. References Akin, M, Daillak, R White, P (1979) Using evaluation: does evaluation make a difference? Beverly Hills: Sage Volume 76. Ali, A Youseff H. (2011). Quality in Qualitative Studies. Issues in Social and Environement Accounting. 5 (1/2), p25-64. Bourque, Linda B. Coding. In The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Eds. Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Timothy Futing Liao, v. 1, 132-136. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2004. Bradley, J. (1993). Methodological issues and practices in qualitative research. Library Quarterly, 63 (4), 431-449. Conrad, F Schober, M. (2005). Journal of Official Statistics. Promoting Uniform Question Understanding in Today’s. 21 (2), P215-231 Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Creswell, JW. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Dawson, M, Dawson, B Overfield, J. (2013). Reading for Your Research Project. In: Unknown Communication Skills for Biosciences. Unknown: Wiley Blackwell. p67. Eby M 1991, Ethical issues in nursing research: the wider picture. Nurse Researcher 3 (1), 5-13 Emanuel, E Abdoler, E Stunkel, L. (2006). How to treat people who Participate in research. Research Ethics. Unknown (6), p7. Fink Arlene (2005). Conducting Research Literture. 2nd Ed. London: SAGE. p46-58. Griffin, C. (2007). The advantages and limitation of qualitative research. Unknown. 11 (3), p127-156. Hammersley, M (2013). What is qualitative research?. London: Bloomsbury. p2. Holloway, I Whealer, s (2013). Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare. 3rd Ed. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing. p325. Jenson, H. (2010). The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Qualitative Social Research. 11 (2), p. Klente, K (2008). Qualitative Research in The Study of Leadership. Bingley: Emerald Group. p11. Letts, L., Wilkins, S., Law, M., Stewart, D., Bosch, J., Westmorland, M.. (2007). Critical Review Form. Available: Last accessed 15th Jan 2015. Lincoln, YS. Guba, EG. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications Mangel, S K (2013). Research Methodology in Behavioural Science. Unknown: PH Learning Privert Limited. p45 Munkhjargal, D. (2006). Data analysis. The Relationship Between Mathematical Discourse and the Curriculum. Unknown (3), p90. Patton, M (1990) Qualitative Education and Research Methods. 2nd Ed Newbury Park: Sage Pitney, W Parker, J (2009). Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health Professions. Canada: Unknown. P63-64. Potit, F Beck, C (2013). Essentials of Nursing Research. 8th Ed. Unknown: Walter Klue Health. p285. Saks, M., and Allsop, J., (2007) Researching Health, Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods. London. Sage Sampson, H. (2005). Qualitative Research. Navigating the waves: the usefulness of piloting in research. 4 (3), p383-402. Shenton, Andrew K. â€Å"The analysis of qualitative data in LIS research projects: A possible approach.† Education for Information 22 (2004): 143-162 Unknown. (2014). GOV.UK. Available: Last accessed 15th Jan 2015. 1

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reflections on Social Work Essay

Social work is a profession that requires commitment to improving the lives of others as well as the community around you. As a social worker, the NASW Code of Ethics which states the mission you have as a social a social work professional. The mission â€Å"is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.† (NASW, 2008). By following these ethics, social workers are leading by example and showing that they have respect for not only their responsibilities as a social worker but more importantly, their clients. The Code of Ethics contains four major sections that make it up as a whole. The most important part of the Code may very well be the six core values: 1. Service, 2. Social justice, 3. Dignity and worth of a person, 4.Importance of human relationships, 5. Integrity, and 6. Competence. These six values outline the essence of what it means to be a social worker. By demonstrating these values through your actions as a social worker, you are showing compassion, trustworthiness, and integrity. These are just a few of the key characteristics that are essential to this profession. Although it can be hard at times, you must keep a non-biased attitude towards your clients’ situation in order to handle a situation in the most professional manner possible. Social work unique from other helping professions in that you are not only improving the life of a client, group, or family, but working hand in hand with the community around you. It is important to embrace these values in order to successfully improve the welfare of everyone involved in your profession. From a young age I believe that I have always had a passion for helping others. Helping professions also run in my family; my mother is a preschool teacher and one of the most compassionate women I know. My father has a business degree but he has surprisingly been my biggest inspiration to pursue a career in social work. In his spare time, my father is a very active member of our church and does everything he can to help with fundraisers and goes into the city every month to feed the homeless. He is also a member of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Baltimore and even won â€Å"Big Brother of the Year.† He is selfless and puts in time for these things even  with his busy career. He has encouraged me to make the most of my college years and to pursue a degree that makes me happy, not necessarily one that paid the most. In high school, at the time, I thought that my calling was to be a veterinarian and help animals. I began my college career at a small school in Pennsylvania but soon after figured out that the school and the path to being a veterinarian was not for me. When I transferred to Shepherd, I switched my major to elementary education. After the first semester, I had a chance to job shadow and take an education course but again I did not feel this major was quite the right fit. I thought long and hard about what major I could pursue that would fulfill my passion for working with children as well as help them. That is when I realized that social work was the perfect match for me. Over the past few summers, I have worked at a YMCA summer camp as a counselor. In my position, I worked with the age group of five and six year olds. However, my job went deeper than just simply supervising kids and planning activities. An aspect of my job that I never thought would affect me were the parents. Every day when the kids would get dropped off at camp I would get a chance to speak with the parents and also get a small feel for what this child’s life was like at home. It fascinated me that by just the parents I could get a glimpse of why a child behaved the way they did. It really got me thinking about how I could positively impact the lives of these children by simply making their summer at this camp a wonderful experience. It occurred to me that some of these children do not get to spend any time with their parents because they work all day every day and this is why they are at camp. It made me sad for these kids but at the same time motivated me to be the best counselor possible. As a social worker, I hope to have a profession that involves helping children; being a school guidance counselor, a therapist, or p ossibly even being a social worker in the pediatric ward of a hospital. Social work will be a good fit for me as a helping profession because I believe I have a passion for seeing and helping people improve. Some important characteristics I possess that will help me reach my potential in this profession are good listening skills, integrity towards others, compassion, and most importantly willingness to help others. A key aspect that sets social work apart from other helping professions is putting other people before yourself. This is not say that you should completely disregard your own feelings and more importantly gut feelings  about a situation, but you must be willing to put your biases aside in order to fully assist your clients. I have always been good at listening to others when they are having problems and just need a shoulder to lean on. I think that listening is extremely important, maybe even more important than giving advice. Sometimes you do not need to give your opinion or advice, but by simply listening, you are helping someone take that weight of what they were feeling off of their shoulders. Some expectations that I have of the social work profession that it will not a lways be easy and that there is potential for emotional burnout and stress. Some reservations that I have about being a social worker is that I may become too emotionally involved with a client’s situation. I know it is important to stay as impartial as possible and stay focused on helping your client in the best way you know how. It is also important to have a good relationship with your clients but at the same time you need to remain professional and unbiased. Since I want to have a job that involves working with children, it may be difficult at times to not get emotionally connected. It is harder with children because they are helpless in their living and family situations. For example, if a child is being abused at home it might be hard to not get upset and want to reach out and help that child. You are helping the child but you must do it in a way that is looking out for the child’s best interest and without getting too emotionally and personally involved. A practice setting that I would be attracted to working in would be a school or a ho spital setting. Working in a school setting, I could work face to face and individually with children as well as even groups and classrooms of children. Being a guidance counselor or just a school social worker in general, I could educate children as well as help them with their individual problems. In a hospital setting I would want to work in a pediatric setting. Working in this setting would allow me to help children who are recovering or going through traumatic sicknesses. Being able to help children who are probably scared in the hospital, I would be able to help them alongside with their families to make the experience of being in a hospital as painless as possible. A setting that does not appeal to me would be working with the geriatric population. I have visited nursing homes a handful of times to see relatives that were sick or no longer able to take care of themselves and I do not like the atmosphere. The thought of growing old and death are things that I  am not very comfortable with. However I think it is important to keep my options open and maybe later on I will develop more interest in this area after taking more social work courses. An aspect of social work that appeals to me is that no matter what work setting you are in, you are able to work alongside other professions as well to reach a common goal. Although this was only an introduction course and a small glimpse into the social work profession, I can see that that there are endless possibilities with a social work degree. It opened my eyes to so many career options that I never even knew about before and even sparked new interests. I hope that one day I have a fulfilling and rewarding career as a social worker and make a difference in the world, even if it is small.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Greek and Latin Quotations With Translations

Latin quotations and translations for various occasions and translations of Greek quotations; many provided by  Ling Ouyang. Greek and Latin Quotations Table Latin Quotation English Translation Author Source of Citation Notes Marmoream relinquo, quam latericiam accepi I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 28 Historical quote - Accomplishment - Actual quote is in the third person: Marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam accepisset Ita mali salvam ac sospitem rem p. sistere in sua sede liceat atque eius rei fructum percipere, quem peto, ut optimi status auctor dicar et moriens ut feram mecum spem, mansura in vestigio suo fundamenta rei p. quae iecero. May it be my privilege to have the happiness of establishing the commonwealth on a firm and stable basis and thus enjoy the reward which I desire, but only if I may be called the architect of the best possible government; and bear with me the hope when I die, that the foundations which I have laid for its future government, will stand deep and secure. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 28 Historical quote - Politics If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 99 Play-acting Spoken by Augustus on his death-bed. From a theatrical tag in Greek comedy o puer, qui omnia nomini debes You, boy, who owe everything to a name Mark Antony Cicero Philippic 13.11 Insult What Antony said to Octavian pro libertate eos occubuisse They died for liberty citizens of Nursia Suetonius Div Aug 12 Liberty - Slogan? After the battle of Mutina iacta alea est The die is cast. Julius Caesar Suetonius Div Julius 32 No turning back Upon crossing the Rubicon Also written as Alea iacta est. According to Plutarch (Caesar 32), these words were actually Greek - Anerriphtho kubos. nullo adversante unopposed Tacitus Tacitus Annals 1.2 Politics referring to Augustus reign Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, labuntur anni, nec pietas moram, rugis et instanti senaectae, adferet indomitaeque morti. Alas, Postumus, the fleeting years slip by, nor will piety give any stay to wrinkles and pressing old age and untamable death. Horace Horace, Carmina, II. xiv.i Old age, time Audentis Fortuna iuvat. Fortune favors the brave. Virgil Virgil, Aeneid X.284 Courage Nil ego contulerim iucundo sanus amico. While I am sane I shall compare nothing to the joy of a friend. Horace Horace, Satires I.v.44 Friendship Summum ius summa iniuria. More law, less justice. Cicero Cicero De Officiis I.10.33 Justice Minus solum, quam cum solus esset. Never less alone than when alone. Cicero Cicero De Officiis III.1 Loneliness Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres. All Gaul is divided into three parts. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, De bello Gallico, 1.1.1 Geography Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum. Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system. Cicero Cicero Pro Murena 36 Politics O mihi praeteritos referat si Iuppiter annos. If only Jupiter would restore me those bygone years. Vergil Vergil Aeneid VIII.560 Nostalgia; spoken by Evander. tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem What a lot of work it was to found the Roman race. Vergil Vergil Aeneid I.33 Roman Legendary History tantaene animis caelestibus irae Is there so much anger in the minds of the gods? Vergil Vergil Aeneid I.11 Lasting grudges. Divine Power Excudent allii spirantia mollius aera (credo equidem), vivos ducent de marmore vultus,orabunt causas melius, caelique meatus describent radio et surgentia sidera dicent:tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento(hae tibi erunt artes), pacisque imponere morem,parcere subiectis et debellare superbos. Others may fashion more smoothly images of bronze (I for one believe it), evoke living faces from marble, plead causes better, trace with a wand the wanderings of the heavens and foretell the rising of stars. But you, Roman, remember to rule the peoples with power (these will be your arts); impose the habit of peace, spare the vanquished and war down the proud! Vergil Vergil Aeneid VI.847-853 Imperialism Auferre trucidare rapere falsis nominis imperium, atque ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant. To plunder, slaughter and rape they give the false name of empire, and where they make a solitude they call it peace. Tacitus Tacitus Agricola 30. Imperialism; spoken by Galgacus Nostri coniugii memor vive, ac vale. Keep our marriage alive, and farewell. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 99 Marriage, love; Augustus last words. solitudinem eius placuisse maxime crediderim, quoniam importuosum circa mare et vix modicis navigiis pauca subsidia; neque adpulerit quisquam nisi gnaro custode. caeli temperies hieme mitis obiectu montis quo saeva ventorum arcentur; aestas in favonium obversa et aperto circum pelago peramoena; prospectabatque pulcherrimum sinum. The solitude lends much appeal, because a sea without a harbour surrounds it. Even a modest boat can find few anchorage, and nobody can go ashore unnoticed by the guards. Its winter is mild because it is enclosed by a range of mountains which keeps out the fierce temperature; its summer is unequal. The open sea is very pleasant and it has a view of a beautiful bay. Tacitus Tacitus Annals IV.67 Geography Oderint dum metuat Let them hate, as long as they fear. Accius Suetonius Gaius 30 Intimidation; From Accius play, Atreus. [Greek] Make haste cautiously. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 25 Advice, haste [Greek] Only that which is well done is quickly done. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 25 Advice, well done, haste [Greek] Better a cautious commander, and not a rash one. Augustus Suetonius Div Aug 25 Advice, caution, military advice Veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered. Julius Caesar one source: Suetonius Div Julius 37 Historical sayings - Accomplishment; In his Pontic triumph Ruinis inminentibus musculi praemigrant. When collapse is imminent, the little rodents flee. Pliny the Elder Natural History Book VIII.103 Like rats deserting a sinking ship.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Broken Promises - `Aid Not Trade, a Play on the Body...

Broken promises Thanks in great part to its green image British company Body Shop has prospered in the 80s. In the 90s the firm tried to increase its world visibility linking its image to Brazil s rainforest and approaching the Brazilian Kayapo Indians with a program they called `Trade Not Aid. The association generated a barrage of free and laudatory media stories about the activities of Body Shop. More recently however this image has been bruised. Is the Body Shop social conscience just a sham? Saulo Petean* Body Shop s much vaunted `Trade Not Aid policy with indigenous peoples is running into serious problems in the Amazon where it sources Brazil nut oil for one of its best-selling beauty products. Since 1991, Body†¦show more content†¦Of this, $100,000 went toward the purchase of a used aircraft and initial expenses. The rest of the money was never accounted for. In 92 and 93, Gordon Roddick, Anita s husband and BSI s executive director, brought four Body Shop country head franchisers to the Indian communities, charging them $25,000 each. Again, the Indians never saw any of this money. After one of Anita Roddick s earliest visits, she announced that Body Shop would extend the project to other Mebengokre villages. They began competing for Body Shop s favor, which strained relations among the traditionally egalitarian culture. Roddick and Body Shop never made good on their promise. In the meantime, Body Shop began heavily promoting its links to the Kayapo. It announced what it called the first ever intellectual property rights agreement. However, the Kayapo had agreed to nothing. In 1993, a group of 30 Kayapo chiefs were hastily called by Gordon Roddick to a meeting in Brasà ­lia, capital of Brazil. The chiefs happily believed that Body Shop was at last going to make good on its promise to expand purchases of nut oil. What they did not know was that Body Shop had recently gotten word that the press was about to report that it had never reached an intellectual property rights agreement with the Kayapo. The chiefs were stunned and frustrated when it became clear that Body Shop was trying to get the chiefs to legitimize the agreement, which still had not been negotiated.Show MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesIN TR OD UC TIO N Michael Adas B y any of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge